Spiritual Warfare Strategies

Jul 16, 2024

Today, I want to share a profound truth with you: we cannot overcome an unseen enemy if we don’t understand spiritual assaults, we cannot break free and experience the full blessings of God's kingdom.

A spiritual attack consists of a series of events orchestrated by demonic forces to oppress you, damage your faith, and hinder your destiny. 

A person under attack often feels like they are living in a personal storm. They start and finish their day exhausted and stressed, feeling as though a storm cloud is constantly following them. This is because actual spirits are involved, attacking the person from all directions.

The kingdom of darkness coordinates accusations, persecution, and situations to push the believer away from their divine destiny. These forces operate with power, aiming to remain hidden.

A spiritual attack is that of a sudden, fierce cyclone disrupting your peaceful life. Unlike the ordinary challenges of daily life, a spiritual attack is strategically planned and executed by the kingdom of darkness, which has meticulously studied the individual's life to create a custom-designed attack for maximum impact. A spiritual attack is never a random series of events. 

Just as the kingdom of darkness has strategies and plans against your life, you must seek out and counteract those strategies to fight the battles you face. Remember, you are a warrior, and Jesus is your commander.

Moreover, those who usually support you during crises may appear to be making matters worse. You may find yourself wondering, "Does anyone understand the turmoil in my life? Has anyone else faced such a difficult path?" The answer is yes! 

The Bible recounts an incident where David's enemies successfully carried out a surprise mission against him and his men. This attack was sudden and devastating, striking at the core of what the men cherished most. This is described in 1 Samuel 30:1-8.

Upon arriving at Ziklag, the mighty warriors found that everything they cherished had been taken from them. Their enemies had launched a covert operation, leading to a devastating outcome for these men.

Examining various interpretations and the root meaning of Ziklag, we see it symbolises a place of intense pressure and distress, causing what’s within you to be revealed. This outflow is a direct result of external pressures.

Many of us have faced our own Ziklags—situations that have squeezed us. So, what do we do in such times?

David turned to the Lord, praising and worshipping Him. The strongest spiritual stance is in God’s presence. Worship elevates us to heavenly realms, and praise becomes a weapon, tearing down darkness and releasing the kingdom's glory.

As you thank God for His actions in your life, you also remind the enemy of how powerful your God is.

David sought the Lord's presence, turning from the battle to press into God. Amid Ziklag’s pressure, pain, and opposition, David's true nature emerged. As a prophet seeking God’s intimacy, he was prepared. One key to overcoming spiritual attacks is to equip yourself before they come.

David sought God for direction. Spiritual attacks can scatter your thoughts and emotions. In such moments, you must rely on the Holy Spirit. David encouraged himself when his allies turned against him, his family was gone, and it seemed the enemy had won. With no human encouragement, David turned to the Lord, silencing his emotions and listening for divine direction.

David received God’s word, a promise, strategy, and directive. His experience shows that there is a promise and strategy for every spiritual battle. Tuning in to God's voice and tuning out all distractions is vital. This is challenging in a Ziklag moment, but God’s presence silences chaos. 

When God spoke, David obeyed. Obedience brings blessing. I recall an attack where my family and I faced severe adversity. As I prayed, God revealed a difficult instruction contrary to natural wisdom. One word from the Lord can bring victory and breakthrough!

David followed God's instructions, recovered everything, broke the attack, and was not defeated at Ziklag.

The Lord is telling you today to arise; your situation is not over, and your victory is near! This setback is God preparing you for a comeback. Return to the altar, to intimacy and prayer, take up your sword, and declare your victory!

With love, P. Julie Lopez.